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Welcome to The Super Pals!

Welcome! We made this website to tell you about our business: The Super Pals! If you are a newcomer and are interested in us, or if you are trying to find a promising company, you can look at this website and learn more about us: The Super Pals! Here is the team page. Learn about our team, who are in it, how we divide it, and way more, so stick around if you want to know more about us. We are asking more people to join every day. But, there is a low chance that they will say yes, so we are stuck right now, but if you happen to like our company and want to join, there's no way we'll say no! People we want to show you are the following: ... I hope you spend some time meeting them! They are the most hard-working ones in this company, so they would be our honorable mentions!

The Team


Our company is divided into groups such as the newest one: Super Comix Inc. We do this to avoid arguing about what we are doing every day, by keeping all our work in one place so we can easily remember where and what we are working on and how much we like it. That is why we decided to divide our team. The reason why we debate is that we always forget how much we like the thing we are arguing over. That is why we divide our team. We have a separate mind in each team, so we know how much we love it.

Our Divided Teams

We have teams, and we divide them! Here is a list of our teams. People that are in that team are indented. We currently have only two teams, but we are still fine with that.

We want you to know more about us too, so we have many buttons for you to try out! Click them, and information about our three best honorable mentions!


We try to be as imaginative and as fun as possible while we work and play since we are still young kids at this time. If you are okay with that, then you would be fine joining our team. But, if you're not the imaginative person that we are, just remember, it's your choice if you want to leave or join.

Thanks for looking at our website.